Tuesday, September 16, 2014


 I think most people who know me, know that I love New England.  We have lived in California, Utah, Texas, (twice!), Illinois, Kansas, and now Connecticut.  New England is where I feel the most at home.  But, in my heart, I am a Californian.  I am a fourth generation Californian.  My mother and father are there, my in-laws, my extended family.  I feel a kinship to it.

My children do as well.  It is their constant, their second home.  We moved a lot as they grew - obviously - but they always had "Grammie and Gramps' house", where all four girls shared one room.  Bunk beds were de rigueur, and before that, cribs.  I think it is where they are happiest - but who's NOT happiest on vacation?  It's where KK went to college, and Tess is considering..

  Christmas will be different this year, only three girls in the room - Maggie and Rob will have the downstairs bedroom.  And the year after that, it will be just two in "the room."

That is why Maggie has organized KK's bachelourette party in Ojai.  It's a beautiful little town, and I don't think I appreciated it when I grew up there--  isn't that ALWAYS the way??

Please enjoy the pictures, taken by my own, Maggie K Stauble.  :-)

The first four pictures are of Ojai's adorable downtown.  These shots were taken at Christmas - no wonder everyone loves California in the winter…look at those blue skies!  The fifth picture was taken on a family hike in Ojai in the Los Pades National Forest.  You can do it all in a day in California.

The last photo is of the beach in Santa Barbara, another family favorite.  Next time, all the details of KK's last hurrah… Pictures included!


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