I have been blessed with many wonderful women in my life, from my daughters, to high school friends, college friends, work friends, Utah, Texas, Chicago, and Connecticut friends, (softball!!). But three women stand out. Debbie, (my almost family- Rob's mom), Kim, my cousin, and as close to a sister I as I'll ever have, and most importantly, my mother. The picture of the African Violet above was gifted to me by Debbie. Usually, I kill all plants I own. But not this one. It is flourishing, just like my friendship with Debbie.
The jar of jam, (with a picture of her darling granddaughter), is from my cousin. She makes it every year and sends jars to me all the way from CA to CT. Not only that, she is always ready to lend an ear.
As for my mother…everyone loves their mom, and so do I. Does anyone ever loves you as your mother?…
Tomorrow, I'll get back to more light hearted fare…remember I have the appointment Friday with the Daring Dan - my personal stylist at Nordstrom…now THAT will be a story…
I share this sentiment & always have fun when we get together. Think we will have many adventures yet to come. -Debbie