A blog discussing all aspects about the wedding plan for my daughter with amusing anecdotes and pictures. Find money saving tips, as well as innovative ideas. Learn and save!
Thursday, July 31, 2014
"The Menu"
Ah, the menu…
While the family and bridal party were taking pictures, our guests were enjoying, (I hope!), an Open Bar, Cold Table and Passed Hors d' Oeuvres
Cold Table:
Assorted Cheese Boards: Brie, Havarti, Jack, Gouda and Cheddar
Assorted Crackers
Raw Vegetables and Dips
Fresh Sliced Seasonal Fruits
Passed Hors D' Oeuvres:
Scallops Wrapped in Bacon
Cold Tenderloin on Garlic Rounds
Pepperoni & Asiago Cheese Puffs
Stuffed Mushrooms filled with Herb Cheese
Tomato & Basil Bruschetta
Cocktail Shrimp with Sauce
Keep scrolling for more of Patty Cloherty's pictures! Tomorrow…the main course!
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
The top photo is of the lovely mother of the groom, Debbie. Please note again the beautiful cake topper. I'm so happy she chose a piece which can be handed down to future generations.
To the left and below, you see Maggie and Rob as they venture to their table for dinner. If you recall, there were two dining rooms with an enormous foyer in the middle where the "head table" was located.
Dinner was plated, not a buffet, no stations. I think it was an efficient choice, and lended an air of elegance. Tomorrow, I promise a detailed accounting of the fare!
"Simply the Best" by Mary P. Karnes is a cozy mystery about a wedding planner in sunny Santa Barbara, California.
Monday, July 28, 2014
"The Reception Continues!"
I promised the menu --- and the cake is part of that, right? As you entered the Wadsworth Mansion, you were greeted with a vision of the cake. It really was beautiful. In real life, is was more cream, not so yellow. It was crafted by "Cakes by Lilly."
The little darlings in the photos are three of Robert's paternal cousins.
And look closely at the flowers in the second two pictures…they are not real flowers, but sugar creations made by hand! Also please note the beautiful cake topper of the bride and groom. Debbie and Bob, (Rob's Parents), gave it to them at our Engagement Celebration, along with the cake. Always so generous and thoughtful.
And…not only was the cake beautiful, but DELICIOUS!! More on how I preserved it tomorrow - I know I already posted how to "preserve the top layer of your wedding cake" in a previous blog - but I've tweaked it since then…
Sunday, July 27, 2014
"The Reception!"
These pictures are not from the Wadworth website, but actual pictures taken at our reception - thanks to Rob's Aunt Patty.
The top photo shows the flower arrangement at the head table. The head table seated the 14 in the bridal party, Rob, Maggie, six brides maids, (including maid of honor), and six groomsmen (including best man). They were located in the vestibule area in between the two dining rooms. Yes, there were two dining rooms. I was not sure how I felt about this prior to the wedding, but I think it was great during the reception. It forced everyone to go mingle on the patio area - now covered by the made-to-order tent, only rented to the Wadsworth Mansion by Connecticut Rentals, for inclement weather - they were GREAT, by the way…
And as I have already shared…it rained! It did on our wedding day too --- family tradition!
Please note the middle picture. It showcases, the linens, and seating arrangements.
The last photo highlights the simple centerpieces placed on mirrors with votive candles - Maggie's vision. Tomorrow…the menu!!
Thursday, July 24, 2014
"One More Delay…"
Very soon…I promise, you will see these handsome young men all dressed up… But today, I could not let the the recent discovery of new rehearsal-night pictures go ignored.
The top picture is the my favorite… it shows Rob with his best man, and all the groomsmen. I'm sure it will be a photo to always be treasured.
Second, a picture of all the groomsmen, Rob's long time friends. Maggie and Rob are next. I love this picture of them.
Kenny and I are to the left…I look a little nervous, but not my spouse. :-)
Check back tomorrow for the long promised reception!
"But I Digress…"
Forgive me if I digress before I move to dinner at the Reception…
But I ran into these pictures the other day, and just had to share them with you. These are pictures of the Rehearsal. To the right, Kenny walking Maggie down the isle. Next up is a gorgeous shot of the church…empty. I'm sure I've never seen it like that before. It has a simple peacefulness about it, doesn't it? Thank you for capturing that, Patty.
Pictures three and four showcase four of our bridesmaids waiting patiently while our wonderful ceremony coordinator explains everyone's role. And the last picture, is the view Maggie and Rob will see the next day, their wedding day, from the front of the church.
Thank you for allowing me this little step back…
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
"The Best Man's Toast"
The top picture is courtesy of Debbie. It shows Robert on the right with Matt next to him…brothers… and adorable ones at that. Matt was Rob's best man, and he served in that capacity though out their journey to adulthood. Listening to Matt's toast, it was apparent, knowing the two of them all these years, that Matt always, and still does, have Robert's back. The part I enjoyed the most from Matt's speech, the most intuitive thing, was when he said he always wanted his little brother on his team, in sports, and I'm sure in life. I'm sure Maggie agrees...
Once again, thank you to Patty Cloherty for the beautiful photos...http:my.bookbaby.com/book/simply-the-best
Tuesday, July 22, 2014
"Maid of Honor Toast"
Kathleen, Maggie's older sister, was her maid of honor. We always knew it would be this way, just like we know in May, Maggie will be KK's.
They have the most beautiful bond. Sisters… As an only child, I can just look at them, and feel joy that Kenny and I were able to give them this gift of siblings. And why he has two lovely sisters, having a sib that's the same gender is just different.
The first picture is of the two of them as kids. Pretty much sums up their personalities and childhood. The second picture shows Tess standing in support of KK as she delivers her "Maid of Honor" speech at the reception. It was beautiful. While I didn't cry at Kenny's toast, I could not help but at KK's… I once again, won't bore you with the speech, but I WILL quote, "When Maggie was born, it was the happiest day of my life. Today, when I get a little brother, is another one."
The last picture is one I just found - of course taken by the beautiful Patty Cloherty, (as was the picture above), at the rehearsal dinner and had to share. Left to right, KK, Tess, Julia
Monday, July 21, 2014
"The Toasts"
It's hard to speak in front of a group, especially if emotions are involved. I'm glad that it is tradition that the father of the bride make wedding toast, and not the mother. Below are two pictures of my husband, Ken, yours truly and three of our daughters, (left to right, Julia, Tess and KK), listening to Kenny's toast. His toast was…perfect. It was light, humorous, touching. He had good material to work with - and many memories! We first knew of Rob when he was 12 and standing in our driveway for the school bus stop. I won't bore you with the speech, but he did remind Rob and Maggie that love was a verb…
Tomorrow, the best man and maid of honor speeches!
Many thanks again to Patty Cloherty for her outstanding pictures. My blog would be boring without them!
Sunday, July 20, 2014
"The Reception Officially Opens!"
I think I was the only one who did not know we were going to do a little something "extra" upon the DJ's introduction of the Bridal party and parents.
"Wait!" I said to Kenny, as we queued up for our introduction --- I didn't plan this!" To be thrown something new of this nature, when everything else had been planned down to the last minute detail, was daunting - well at least for me. I am less than spontaneous… :-)
Bob and Debbie - parents of the groom, were up right before our entrance. They stole the show. They were introduced, they entered, Bob… dipped Debbie! Wow! How do you follow that?!? Kenny gave me a little twirl, and we were done. I've posted this picture below of our entrance before. Not the most flattering of me, but I love it. We both look so very happy…and we were.
As always…photos: Patty Cloherty
Saturday, July 19, 2014
"Bridal Party Intro II"
Next up is my own Tessie, sister and bridesmaid along with her handsome and charming escort, Andrew. I can't remember what they did!! I'm sure it was great. They look like they're having fun, right?!?
The last picture shows Olivia in front with her escort, Brian, and behind them, my youngest, Julia and her groomsman, Zach. I wish I could remember what all the bridesmaids and groomsmen did upon their introduction to the reception, but I just can't. I do remember, Amanda and Wil's intro though... - Amanda, a very slim 5' 8" gave Wil, a lean 6' 4" a piggy back ride! WOW! And Debbie and Bob's intro…well, THAT's for tomorrow! :-)

Thursday, July 17, 2014
"The Bridal Party Intro!"
We were lined up, almost like a religious procession, in order of importance... the parents first - least important, ;-), then the bridesmaids and their escorts, best man and maid of honor, and finally…the bride and groom!
Please enjoy a few pictures below. Tomorrow, I'll let you in on each couple's special entrance -- pictures included.
Please also join me on my new blog on Hello! Magazine's new bridal site: weddinghub.hellomagazine.com My blog title: "Mother of the Bride"
Photos: Patty Cloherty
Wednesday, July 16, 2014
"Under the Portico Part II"
It was a very calming, relaxing time, under the portico. We socialized with our nearest and dearest, our family, bridesmaids, and groomsmen. A few moms came out and took pictures with their sons. Please note a sweet picture of one mom and the 'boys'. A few of Robert's groomsmen were his friends all the way back to grade-school. And Maggie's bridesmaids, well, four were her sisters, (Amanda, Rob's sister, being her fourth…), and Jill and Olivia might as well be sisters - anyone you live with for four years in college knows you inside and out.
And let's not forget the perfect Heidi, caterer extraordinaire, who catered to our every culinary need…as we waited to be introduced to our patiently waiting guests. ;-) It was a time to take a deep breath, and enjoy the happiness.
http://my.bookbaby.com/book/simply-the-best my new mystery!
And please join me on my new blog: weddinghub.hellomagazine.com "Mother of the Bride"
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
"Under the Portico"
We finally arrived at the Wadsworth Mansion, Middletown, Connecticut. Wesleyan University and Mercy High School are located in Middletown, so it has some panache. I didn't know this until after the wedding, but the expansive lawn of the Mansion runs right into the softball field of Mercy.
It had already been decided that the bridal party, parents included, would make a grand entrance, announced by the DJ. We had to wait out on the front porch for Maggie and Rob to finish their outdoor photography session on the Mansion grounds, and for the giant coach bus to arrive with more wedding guests.
When we booked the caterer, she said, "Don't worry, I'll made sure you are well fed as soon as you arrive." At the time I wasn't exactly sure what she meant. Now I do. Everyone was so excited, nervous, I don't think we ate much before the ceremony. As soon as she arrived, Heidi and her staff were there with refreshments and nibbles. Thank you, Heidi. She was wonderful, start to finish. www.krausecaterers.com
Please note the bustling for Maggie's train. It is a "French" bustle. A traditional bustle didn't work, as the train was too heavy - thus, the French. I think it's lovely. Matt, in picture number #3, is arranging it before Rob and Maggie venture onto the wet grounds for photos. Matt is a photographer extraordinaire. mattstaublemedia.com Of course, Matt as Rob's brother, was best man at the wedding and not our photographer.
http://my.bookbaby.com/book/simply-the-best my mystery!
Please also visit me at weddinghub.hellomagazine.com my new blog on "Hello! Magazine's" on- line blog site. My blog's name is: "Mother of the Bride"
Monday, July 14, 2014
"A Thank You"
Before we resume the Reception details, I wish to thank the young people who made Maggie and Rob's wedding even more special. It really does take many hands to make a wedding not just a social success, but also a family/emotional success as well.
I would like to thank our darling "gift bearers," paternal first cousins of Rob - from left in the first picture: Matt, Lauren, Anna and Lily. And our two readers, Brian, (second picture), and Garrett third picture (with his grandmother). I hope these cousins will fondly remember their role in the wedding, I know Maggie and Rob will..
And a MAJOR thank you to Elizabeth and Katherine - maternal cousins of Rob for 'doing the guest book'. We could not have asked for better. The on-site reception coordinator was to place the guest book out before the guests arrived. She put the fancy feather pen and stand out, but where was the book?!? Never fear, the girls didn't rest till they tracked it down. They personally carried it around and asked as many guests as possible to sign. Then what happens? The fancy pen ran out of ink! I'm getting a refund for THAT! Once again, the girls came through and rounded up a new pen. Now I'm trying to 'round up' a picture of THEM! Thanks ladies. Tomorrow, the reception begins in earnest!
Photo creds: Patty Cloherty
(my mystery, in case you haven't seen this link - which I know I have posted a million times… :-)
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