Friday, April 4, 2014

"Dollar Dance"

"The Dollar Dance."  I don't know if other communities have the "Dollar Dance," tradition, but our little town of Ojai, CA does, or at least it DID, thirty years ago.  I told my parents before the wedding that I really didn't want it.  One of my dad's friends stepped in at the reception, and over-ruled me, however.  And truth be told, I'm glad he did...

This is how it works…simple, really… The DJ, or front man of your band, announces, "It's time for the 'Dollar Dance!'"  Then the bride and the groom go to the dance floor, and guests form two lines - one for the bride, and one for the groom.  If you want to dance with them, you pay a dollar.  But no one pays just a dollar. We made out like bandits!  It was nice pocket money for the honeymoon.  But the best, unexpected part, was…(remember that friend of my dad's?)…well he announced that whatever we made from the dance, my father had to match…and he did!


  1. Never heard of the Dollar Dance. So with inflation is it now the $10 Dance??
